Test, Don’t Guess 

Introducing the leader in nutrigenomics testing, 3X4 Genetics! Backed by research

Nutritional Genomics

There are plenty of one-size-fits-all, quick-fix approaches to managing our health, lifestyle and diet. However, the missing component in all these methods involve considering the individual. We believe that an individual’s health is not static and one of the ways we can positively impact how genes are expressed (and ultimately our health) is by looking at the interaction between our diet, our lifestyle and our genes. This interaction can be broken up into two fields of study, namely nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. Nutrigenetics looks at how we respond to nutrients or the environment based on our genetic profile. Nutrigenomics explores how foods and the environment change the way our genes express themselves. Working with both Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics allows us to develop patient recommendations that are personalized, targeted and actionable. Research suggests that our unique genetic makeup influences the outcome of our health when taking our diet, environment and our lifestyle into consideration. Our patient’s daily choices and their personalized nutrition approach are a viable and sustainable way to reduce their risk of disease and keep their health in check.

Principles in Action

Each of us is unique and complex. Understanding our genetic blueprint and how our daily choices influence us is necessary to lead happier, healthier and longer lives. Thanks to advances in the field of genomics, we’re able to make impactful and practical recommendations and promote personalized approaches to health and wellness. Understanding each of these principles, as well as how they work together, allows us to gain valuable insight into our patients at an individual level. Insight and understanding of each principle accelerate our potential to make a positive impact on their health, assist them in making the best daily choices and most importantly, helping them achieve their greatest human potential!


Health = Genetics + Choice

The areas of health, wellness, and how we understand ourselves is rapidly moving towards a field where our Health is determined by our Genetics in combination with our daily Choices. Which brings us to our final principle…the H=G+ C equation. While a patient's genes (G) give us valuable insight into their health, we don’t live in a vacuum. At any one moment in their life, they are inundated by multiple elements that can affect their health and change how their genes behave or are expressed. But only looking at health through the lens of genetics can be dangerous as it doesn’t provide a clear picture. Similarly, only looking at a patient's daily choices, in other words what they eat, where they live, their stress and all those other elements they expose themselves to, can also be problematic. Why? Because once again we’re only getting half of the picture. A patient’s health isn’t just dependent on their genes, OR their diet and lifestyle choices. At 3X4, we don’t believe in this either-or approach. If we want to help our patients achieve their best, then it’s a case of blending these two worlds where personalized Health comes down to a patient's Genes and their daily Choices. It’s our H = G+C solution. When we can create a simple narrative for a patient that helps them understand their own health story and offers easy, actionable, and straightforward recommendations, we immediately increase the chances of them forming good habits and making health a daily choice

Making Recommendations

As you know, the 3X4 test reads a patient’s genetic data and translates it into a practical plan of actionable and personalized recommendations to positively impact their health. For each significant biological category, the Blueprint outlines 3 metabolic areas that are most affected by your genes:

The patient’s Blueprint focuses on what really matters. It provides the answers needed to make the right recommendation and choices that can positively impact your patient's health.

- 3x diet recommandations

- 3x lifestyle or behavior recommendations

- 3x targeted supplement suggestions.

I am ready!

For $450, you will get a comprehenize 3X4 genetics test sent directly to your home. The cost includes the interpretation of your results and a detail care plan to optimize your health, along with supplement recommendations, and meal plan based on your genetic profile.

Know where you stand in your health journey, what you can prevent, and take charge of living your best life. It does not get better than personalized knowledge based off of your genome! This takes nutrition therapy to a whole new level.

Booking Provided by Healthie

Questions? Contact us.

(985) 278 - 0753

Virtual Dietitian (No address)