Welcome to learning about the GOLD standard food sensitivity test!

Uncover Food and Chemical Sensitivities with the MRT Food Sensitivity Test

The single common feature and most clinically important component of all diet-induced inflammatory reactions is that they ultimately cause mediator release (cytokines, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc.) from various white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes). This is true whether reactions are immediate or delayed, whether dose dependent or not, whether governed by the innate or adaptive immune systems, whether cell-mediated or humorally-mediated, and whether inflammation remains at a sub-clinical level or becomes symptom-provoking.

What does MRT test for?

  • Almond, Celery, Grape, Olive, Shrimp, Amaranth, Chard, Grapefruit, Onion, Sole, American cheese, Cheddar cheese,Green bean ,Orange, Soybean, Apple, Cherry, Green pea, Oregano, Spelt, Apricot, Chicken, Green pepper, Papaya, Spinach, Asparagus, Cinnamon, Halibut, Paprika, Strawberry, Avocado, Clam, Hazelnut, Parsley, Sunflower seed, Banana, Cocoa, Honey, Peach, Sweet potato, Barley, Coconut, Honeydew, Peanut, Tapioca, Basil, Codfish, Hops, Pear Tea, Beef, Coffee, Kale, Pecan, Tilapia, Beet, Coriander seed, Kamut, Pineapple, Tomato, Black pepper, Corn, Lamb, Pinto bean, Tuna, Blueberry, Cottage cheese, LeekPistachio, Turkey, Bok choy, Cow’s milk Lemon, Plum, Turmeric, Broccoli, Crab, Lentil, Pork, Vanilla, Brussels sprouts, Cranberry, Lettuce, Pumpkin (flesh), Venison, Buckwheat, Cucumber, Lima bean, Quinoa, Walnut, Butternut squash, Cumin, Lime, Rainbow trout Watermelon, Cabbage, Date, Mango Raspberry, Wheat, Cane sugar, Dill Maple syrup, Red kidney bean,White potato, Cantaloupe, Egg white, Millet, Rice, Yeast-bakers/brewers, Cardamom, Egg yolk, Mint, Rooibos tea, Yogurt, Carob, Eggplant, Mung bean, Rosemary, Whey, Carrot, Flax seed, Mushroom, Rye, Zucchini, Cashew, Garbanzo bean, Mustard (seed), Salmon, Catfish, Garlic, Navy bean, Scallion, Cauliflower, Ginger, Nutmeg, Scallop, Cayenne pepper, Goat’s milk, Oat, Sesame seed

  • Acetaminophen, Aspartame, Benzoic acid, Caffeine, Candida albicans, Capsaicin, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Blue #2, FD&C Green #3, FD&C Red #3, FD&C Red #4, FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #5, FD&C Yellow #6, Fructose (HFCS), MSG, Phenylethylamine, Polysorbate 80, Potassium nitrate,Potassium nitrite, Saccharin, Salicylic acid, Sodium metabisulfite, Sodium sulfite, Sorbic acid, Tyramine


How it works

All food-induced inflammatory reactions involve mediator release, which is the single most important event leading to all the negative effects food sensitivity patients suffer. Mediator release corresponds to volumetric changes in neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and lymphocytes.

MRTIII  provides unmatched reliability and precision because it is the only instrument in the industry that combines advanced flow cytometry technology with the patented impedance-based “Ribbon Method.”

This is the clinical value of MRT . MRT is a functional measurement of diet-induced sensitivity pathways. MRT simplifies a highly complex reaction and translates that into the most useable clinical information you can get – quantifying the inflammatory response to foods and food-chemicals.

Not only does MRT give insight into inflammation provoking foods and food-chemicals, but more importantly MRT identifies your BEST foods – the foods that form the basis of their LEAP Eating Plan.

Simply put, MRT gives you information you can’t get any other way, and that information directly translates into targeted therapy that matters.

MRT is the foundation of fully addressing food sensitivities and achieving the maximum outcomes in the shortest period of time. This is our goal.

Sensitivity vs. Allergy

  • A so-called "true" or "classical" food allergy reaction usually causes immediate and dramatic symptom onset. These reactions can, in extreme circumstances, even be life threatening. Usually the respiratory system is most impacted.

  • Food sensitivity symptoms, on the other hand, are usually delayed and less acute. However, they can also lead to chronic inflammatory health issues, impacting almost any part of the body.


Associated Conditions

Symptoms such as migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin, neurological, and numerous other disorders, have been linked to food sensitivity and chronic inflammation.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease1, 3, 7-9

  • Metabolic disorders, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, inability to lose weight 2, 7, 10, 11

  • Inflammatory conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, arthritis or asthma, autoimmune disorders 1, 5, 9, 12-15

  • Others, such as fatigue, headache, migraine, cognitive impairment 9, 16

What is MRT’s LEAP therapy?

While simply running the MRT test and getting results to satisfy curiosity is all most people want, stopping there is not enough to help you from a “best practice” standpoint.  Navigating food sensitivities can get confusing and overwhelming, very quickly!

  • I highly recommend embarking on your MRT journey alongside a certified Lifestyle Eating and Performance (LEAP) therapist, so that you’re supported and equipped with the proper guidance and clinical nutrition supervision along the way.

    • A certified LEAP therapist (CLT) is a type of functional dietitian-nutritionist who has received specialty training in the immune system, adverse food reactions, and mediator release testing.

    • Our mission is to help you to fully interpret and understand your test results, co-design a custom eating plan that helps you make quantum “leaps” on your journey (pun intended), and set you up for long-term success!

    • A CLT will use clinical discernment to help you determine whether MRT food sensitivity testing is appropriate for you or not.

  • CLT’s are also trained to guide and coach clients through an optional 6-part LEAP “Immunocalm Diet” (also referred to as an “oligo-antigenic” plan), which is essentially a customized eating plan we’ll co-create together to incorporate all of your body’s BEST foods in a nutritionally sound way.

    • The Immunocalm eating plan is something we design and craft together based on your food preferences, eating patterns, goals, and MRT test results.

    When properly followed, in my clinic I’ve observed the Immunocalm approach can lead to 50-90% improvement (from a symptom reduction standpoint) within the first few weeks!

    If you’re interested in working together on your journey, I’d love to support you! Below is a step-by-step outline of how you can obtain the MRT test through working with me.

Are you ready to take the LEAP?

This is most definitely an investment to your health, but will you regret it? That is simply up to you, a full commitment of three to six months is highly encouraged to ensure that you are following the LEAP protocol that you will be consistent with

Is it covered by insurance? Unfortunately no, functional tests are not covered, but you can use FSA/HSA if you have it and or cash/credit using the ordering link below.

The test is for ages 2+ and no fasting is necessary. If you are on antihistamines, and/or steroids, coffee, you must stop taking it atleast a week before your blood draw. You are welcome to find your own phlebotomist, but I will help you locate one, since this is a mandatory blood draw.

Thank you, and see you soon.

MRT and LEAP step by step:

  • Step 1

    We’ll chat before or during our first consultation, to make sure MRT Is a good fit for you based on your unique clinical picture and nutrition/health goals.

  • Step 2

    I’ll send you an online requisition form (via secure document sharing in my client portal), along with a PDF of instructions on next steps.

  • Step 3

    You’ll receive a MRT test kit in the mail, delivered to your address on file.

  • Step 4

    Schedule a blood draw with a local lab (if need be). For most states, “Any Lab Test Now” is recommended, if you are local to Navarre FL, “Pro health” in Gulf Breeze only charge $25.

    Make sure to bring the requisition form and MRT test kit to have your blood draw.

    Note* You are welcome to find your own phelbotomist if you’d like, please if you do this, drop it off yourself at FedEX.

  • Step 5

    Once your blood draw is all set, and the samples have been submitted, the results will be in my email within 4-5 days.

  • Step 6

    Within a few days of your blood draw, I’ll receive a secure PDF with your results. You’ll also receive a hard copy of your results within a 50+ page booklet for you to refer to so you can learn more about how to navigate food sensitivities and possible dietary restrictions through restaurant planning and recipe modification.

  • Step 7

    Before making any dietary changes you’ll be prompted to complete a baseline symptom survey, which we can be found in the back of your MRT packet.

  • Step 8

    We’ll go over your results in our next 1:1 meeting and during that time we’ll also co-create your custom LEAP eating plan for your first two weeks of the elimination phase.

  • Step 9

    You’ll begin the LEAP eating plan we crafted together in our appointment. You will be instructed and encouraged to keep a detailed food-symptom journal so we can get as much feedback as possible about what’s working and what isn’t!

  • Step 10

    It is recommended to follow up every two weeks, for support, and compliance.

Booking Provided by Healthie

Read Testimonials below:

To schedule an appointment or follow up please book using the “schedule a consult” on the home page.

JP - I lost 25lbs in six months and felt so much better within two weeks of eliminating my intolerant foods. My gut health has improved drastically with no more bloating. I still avoid sweet potatoes and wheat, but other than occasionally I'll add a few yellow foods with very little issues.

JP - I lost 25lbs in six months and felt so much better within two weeks of eliminating my intolerant foods. My gut health has improved drastically with no more bloating. I still avoid sweet potatoes and wheat, but other than occasionally I'll add a few yellow foods with very little issues.

RP- Being diagnosed with POTS and MCAS about two years ago I complete a stool test, stool test stated I had horrible leaky gut markers and sensitivities. I completed an MRT and within a month my symptoms of fast heart rate and my BM's have went form loose to formed, and my inflammation gone down tremendously and lost -7 lbs. I have never felt better, to this day I continue to keep my yellow's and reds out of my diet until I feel confident enough with improvements in my gut health.

RP- Being diagnosed with POTS and MCAS about two years ago I complete a stool test, stool test stated I had horrible leaky gut markers and sensitivities. I completed an MRT and within a month my symptoms of fast heart rate and my BM's have went form loose to formed, and my inflammation gone down tremendously and lost -7 lbs. I have never felt better, to this day I continue to keep my yellow's and reds out of my diet until I feel confident enough with improvements in my gut health.

LP- I came to Rachel because of eczema throughout my son's body, I didn't trust it at first, but once she explained how food/chemical mediators function in our GI tract I said why not give it a go. Within a month my son's full body ezcema went away, and we just continue to support his gut health with probiotics and digestive enzymes.

LP- I came to Rachel because of eczema throughout my son's body, I didn't trust it at first, but once she explained how food/chemical mediators function in our GI tract I said why not give it a go. Within a month my son's full body ezcema went away, and we just continue to support his gut health with probiotics and digestive enzymes.

CM - I went from chronic migranes multiple times per week, I knew it was triggered by food. So my MD referred me to Rachel and completed the test and it was like night and day. I was highly reactive to wheat, dill, sage, whey, and moderately reactive to chemicals like nitrate and nitrites, I took these out during phase 1 elimination diet and my neck pain was eliviated and my migranes were gone unless I ate my highly reactive foods. Now we are working on gut health and micronutrient deficiencies for a lasting change.

CM - I went from chronic migranes multiple times per week, I knew it was triggered by food. So my MD referred me to Rachel and completed the test and it was like night and day. I was highly reactive to wheat, dill, sage, whey, and moderately reactive to chemicals like nitrate and nitrites, I took these out during phase 1 elimination diet and my neck pain was eliviated and my migranes were gone unless I ate my highly reactive foods. Now we are working on gut health and micronutrient deficiencies for a lasting change.

LEAP MRT Food Sensitivity Test/ Psoriasis Testimonial. Just wanted to share this testimonial from a client. Hope this can help more psoriasis patients. Read this if you have Psoriasis or other auto-immune disease! This is the difference on my ankles/calves over the last 5 weeks. After years of seeing doctors and dermatologists and trying hundreds of different medications and lotions with little or no results I went to a dietitian. Using the LEAP program which tested for food and chemical sensitivities that cause inflammation to me she put me on 6 phase menu plan. Today I started Phase 6 and I have to say it's working! Heartburn and digestive issues are gone but most importantly my psoriasis is almost completely cleared up! Thank you Shivani Sharma! And thank you to Stephanie Barbaro who has helped me tremendously throughout the last two months! And thanks to Joe and Angelo have been patient and understanding since I don't cook quite like I use to. And thanks to my friends that take the time to understand what I am doing and make food they know I can eat!

Patient had frequent bloating and some other GI issues. He just completed phase 1 and his skin is significantly improved. I was so concerned about putting such a small child on such a restrictive diet, but after a few days, his mom said he got used to the foods. I also created the most kid friendly meal plan I could with his allowed foods. So happy with these results and also so proud of this kid! Picture on the left is before starting. He is now wayyyy less itchy, skin is improved and GI symptoms gone. Mom said skin is still a bit pink and there are dry patches, but they are thrilled

I wanted to share my little man’s personal results with LEAP. He was my first patient while studying for my CLT. I lost all hope in conventional treatments and reached out to Susan Linke when she recommended MRT for my son. When I revived his results I removed his yellow and reds and some greens that were about 1.5 ish. We also supplementing with probiotics and IGG 2000 from microbiome labs to help with possible leaky gut when he made 2 years old (my personal microbiome is not healthy, and baby’s get moms microbiome in utero so i felt healing his gut was also a must). We began seeing major changes in his skin with a month of LEAP, but nearly a year later he’s now able to tolerate most yellows and we still avoid wheat, soy and apple. Believe it or not, I was feeding my toddler, pre leap protocol, Z- bars (contains soy) and Apple pouches/juice like crazy and never realized that these snacks where causing my little man’s eczema. At times he has eczema around the ankle but it doesn’t cause irritation anymore.

Just a little back story on his symptoms prior to MRT, he was itching all hours of the night, screaming bloody murder because all he wanted to do was itch himself. I’m for ever grateful for MRT/LEAP.